Apply in 2025!

Applications for The Sigourney Award-2024 are closed. 2025 applications will be accepted for work completed between 2015 and 2024. Past winners are not eligible to submit work, however previous applicants are welcome to apply again. Completed applications are due on July 31, 2025.


Nominations are welcome, however a nomination is NOT necessary to apply for the Award. All submissions follow the same application process whether the work is nominated or submitted directly by an applicant to help ensure the Award process is equitable. 


How to Apply 

We welcome applicants to submit work featuring groundbreaking psychoanalytic work from around the world in more than 100 languages supported by Google Translate. Judging of submissions will be conducted in English leveraging Google Translate. All applicants must complete and submit the online application by the application due date. All theoretical orientations are welcome to apply. Important facts:

The Sigourney Award has never been a lifetime achievement award. In fact, Mary Sigourney specifically required that eligible work must be accomplished within 10 years of the award year.

There is no longer a geographic rotation for applications. Organizations, groups, and individuals may submit work for consideration from any place in the world, in any year, and in more than 100 languages (via our online translation). Judging will be conducted in English leveraging a translation tool.  

The application includes writing prompts to assist applicants in highlighting their work's impact. Each applicant is required to answer the required questions to enable an equitable evaluation of applications. Drafts of the application can be saved and edited multiple times before submitting.

All Applicants will need to provide:

  • Name, email, address, phone

  • Answers to a series of questions designed to help applicants articulate the impact of their work over the past ten years

  • A single sentence statement describing the impact of the work

  • 180 word summary of work paragraph 

  • Applicants/nominees will have to request two Letters of Support Forms as part of the online application. (Note: only two form letters will be accepted, one of which may be written by a nominator.)

  • The Trust requires applicants to provide ten years’ worth of credentials that support the work submitted, not a complete CV encompassing a lifetime of work

  • Photo or Logo

    • Professional head and shoulder portrait with a simple background 

    • Color or black & white 

    • 1200x1200 pixels minimum, 512 kilobytes minimum 

    • JPG, PNG or TIFF files only 

    • for use only in promoting Award Recipients

  • Optional

    • External validation such as press or video coverage

    • Sample of work such as an article you have written–a play, a book, significant paper, video, etc.

All submitted materials will become the property of The Sigourney Award Trust.

Questions? Email us here.